Web3 Wallets

You need a browser wallet with Arbitrum support to start betting on JustBet. Metamask is the most popular option.

Once you have MetaMask downloaded, you can add Arbitrum here.

It's recommended to import the platform tokens to your wallet to track balances. You can use following information to import WINR, vWINR and WLP:

WINR - Arbitrum Contract address: 0xD77B108d4f6cefaa0Cae9506A934e825BEccA46E

Symbol: WINR

Decimal: 1e18

vWINR - Arbitrum

Contract address: 0x63097E97BA51b64547Cf1F4Ba154495D7af74582

Symbol: vWINR Decimal: 1e18

WLP - Arbitrum Contract address: 0x6f7353B59476dbd1dE23d7113BE7A7fbE6F343E5

Symbol: WLP

Decimal: 1e18

Last updated